..River Ruel

River Ruel A super stretch of this fine river is available for fly fishing which is situated approximately 20 miles from Dunoon.  Fishy, foamy pools and slow deep runs await anglers who make the trip over to Glendaruel.  The river offers a good chance of a Sea Trout or Salmon to a carefully presented fly in the right conditions in late Summer or early Autumn.  Migratory fish runs on this river are now improving after lengthy, dedicated conservation work carried out by local bailiffs and club members.  If the migratory species do not respond, then you can target the Brownies with a dry fly !

The Ruel is fly only and for most part the water is very peaty even in low water. Patterns such as the Cascade and Ally’s Shrimp can  do quite well given good conditions. Patterns of this nature in small doubles or singles will work well in lower water. In higher water similar patterns but in larger sizes should do well.  Sea Trout are present from June onwards given rain with August and September optimum months to try for a salmon.  Concentrate your efforts on the slower pools, runs and glides and cast down and across to let the fly swing and dangle. This river can be comfortably fished with a single handed rod rated for a #7 or #8.



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